''Trust that everything in your life is in divine order and synchronicity. All that you see is perfectly in line with your path and you are always in the perfect time and space. Be, think and act love.’’
How well do you deal with change? Do you fully embrace it with excitement, or do you try and resist change as much as you can? The purpose of each and everyone’s journey is to open up and be willing and ready to receive new energy and changes because what worked for us previously may no longer work for us as it once did. The whole purpose of life is to continuously evolve and grow – we are never meant to stop growing or stop learning – otherwise what would the point of ‘’life’’ be?
‘’Listen to your body and emotions when they tell you something no longer works for you. Let the old fall away. Listen to your inner guidance as your heart leads you to some place new’’
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What is the ego you may ask? The ego is your inner judgemental mean girl, your souls worst enemy and what we need to learn is that we are not our ‘’ego’’. You are not the car you drive, the job you have, the material items you own, the income you earn – these things do not define who you are. Do you find yourself saying… Ill be happy once I have that job Ill be happy once I lose weight Ill be happy once I have that expensive bag or shoes Ill be happy once I go on that holiday Ill be happy once I have …. Do you find yourself… Thinking negative thoughts about yourself and others Judging people that you really don’t know Maybe you compare yourself to others and wonder why you don’t have what they have? You need to stop right now…take a deep breath…and drop that shitty ego. Listening to your ego is you not living your true authentic self. You are your soul, your inner spirit. You are the things that make you happy, the things that set your soul on fire. You need to start living your truth, your true divine authentic self. All the ego does is create unwanted negative energy. Sometimes it can consume you and run your life. When you catch yourself with negative thoughts or talk just stop right away and take a big deep slow breath and remember that it’s just your ‘’ego’’ talking and put that mean girl away. ’I forget when it all began, but at some point my mind started to unravel like a ball of endless twine. The world looked different and nothing has ever felt the same. Like a veil was lifted from my eyes and my soul began to glisten’’ The quote above really resonates with me, I have somewhat found myself and my purpose this year and I wouldn’t want to be or live any other way. As the year draws to a close, I’ve noticed a shift in my energies. I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on the year, where I am in my life right now and how I’ve changed. I fully embrace the person I’ve become and I am so proud of the challenges I have faced and overcome. Most importantly, I have learned how to live my life being my true authentic self. I’ve realised what’s important in life - it’s like I have been blind folded all these years and I can finally see. This year was definitely one of the toughest I have ever faced. I got pretty sick… but after falling ill the universe forced me to slow down. The silver lining… that’s when my learning begun. The Universe forced me to slow down and this brought incredible experiences and opportunities into my life. This year I have learned to make health my main priority because at the end of the day, without your health you have nothing. It’s the foundation for everything and absolutely crucial if you want to live a full life with new experiences and joy. I have been winding the year down by doing the things that set my soul on fire and in doing so I find myself always by the ocean, admiring the waves and its beauty. My remedy to most aliments in life is ocean therapy – there is nothing more healing, cleansing, calming and soul satisfying than submerging yourself into the blue salty sea. Words can't even describe the way being by the ocean makes me feel when sitting on the sand meditating, writing in my journal with a coffee or practising yoga listening to the waves. Afternoon lovely! I am so very excited and grateful to introduce to you the beautiful Fran Doll! better known as @throughrosecolouredglasses on Instagram. This chick is incredibly inspiring when it comes to health & fitness. I have been following Fran on Instagram for a long time and just had to share her with you! This beautiful soul is living her life by following her dreams, traveling and has such a positive outlook on life! You are really going to enjoy this interview! So sit back, relax..and enjoy! Afternoon Gorgeous!
I am so excited and grateful (no pun intended) to have my very first guest on the blog today! Let me introduce the Gratitude Butterfly! I have been following this amazing, inspiring, creative, down to earth chick on Instagram for quite some time now. I highly recommend that anyone who doesn't already follow her on Instagram do so immediately. She's a free spirit who has such an incredible view on life, using her Instagram to spread the message of how important it is to show love and gratitude in your daily life and to feed your soul by doing the things that you love. This is one incredible women! So, sit back and enjoy my interview with the Gratitude Butterfly! Today I want to write about manifesting your dreams and desires. The power of manifestation truly is incredible. Everything on the planet is made of energy, including our thoughts. You need to tell yourself that you’re worthy of your dreams and desires, but more importantly you need to truly believe and feel this. You need to pretend that you already have the things you want, and by doing so the Universe can catch up with your thoughts, energy and desires. Every person has the ability to attract things into their life with their thoughts and intentions. Each thought we have creates an energy flow within and around our physical being, and each thought you have informs your energy and manifests into experiences. This energy also attracts its likeness, so if you are thinking negative things then you will have negative experiences, however, if you are thinking positive things and are having positive thoughts then you will attract great experiences into your life!
If you would have told me a year ago I would be creating manifest lists, I would have laughed and said you were crazy, but since that time too many things have happened and I’m now a believer. This combined with stories from many other people who have experienced the true power of manifesting exemplifies what the power of positive thinking can do. The world outside of you is a physical representation of what is happening inside of you (your mind/thoughts/energy you put out to the world). Now, remember your body is always connected to the Universe through the energy you produce. If you’re always focusing on things you don’t want to feel, think or experience then you’ll see that’s exactly what you are manifesting. Instead, you need to relax, stay centred and focused on what you do want and surrender your desires to the Universe. However, you must not obsess over what it is you are after, as you cannot force an outcome. You need to make your desires/wants very clear to the Universe but then surrender the idea to the universe knowing that it will be delivered to you in due time. You simply cannot control the timing of when wants or desires are delivered to you. Surrender and know the universe has your back. One great quote is ‘’when you believe, you will receive’’ and that pretty much sums up manifesting in 6 words. Ok so lets get manifesting!!!! Either grab your journal or a piece of paper and write down the things you want as if you already have them, for example:
Your manifest list can be as short or as long as you like! Once you have written your manifest list either hang it up on your wall, attach it to your vision board, put it away in a nice box, - to each there own! Mine currently sits written in my journal but will soon be added to my vision board. But please remember the steps – Step 1: Make your desires/wants very clear. Step 2: Think it, feel it, believe it. Step 3: Surrender these wants/desires to the Universe and know the Universe has your back and will respond in a loving way. Now, go get yourself a cup of tea or maybe even a cheeky wine and start writing your manifest list! Have fun with it! Feel free to share your lists with me. Love + Light Maegan xx I want to talk about taking care of yourself and only doing what makes you happy. In this post I mainly want to focus on your career; do you love your job? Or do you wake up each morning thinking ‘’how do I get through today’’? Or ‘’three more days until the weekend, you can do this’’. Perhaps you go on your lunch break and wonder how you’re going to get through the next four hours until your shift is finished? If so, this post is for you.
If you read my first post you would have read that I too was brainwashed by society and thought that only a very few lucky people enjoyed their job. I thought that being an adult meant sucking it up and finding a job that pays the bills, even if doing so means that you have to give up your happiness. I cannot tell you how important it is to enjoy what you do, IT’S EVERYTHING. Over the course of a year think about how many days we work, why should we just live for the weekends? Why would we put ourselves in a situation where we hate our lives for 5 days a week and enjoy only 2 of them? THAT’S INSANE. We all need to create a life that we love. I don’t know if we only get one life but if we do why would we want to spend it doing something we hate? You need to find your passion and I’m sure most of you already know what that is, but if not then that’s fine! you will find it when the time is right. Don’t worry about what people will think or what your parents and friends will say, do what makes YOU happy. Wake up in the morning feeling happy and excited, rather than hoping for the day to go by quickly. If you already love what you do for a living then you should be so incredibly proud of the life you have created for yourself. So why is it so important to have a job/career that you love? For our health! that’s why! What a lot of people don’t understand is that if you force yourself to live a life you hate and have a career that makes you miserable than you will at some point in time crash and burn. Maybe it will take 3 years maybe it could take 10 years but believe me people you will one day crash and burn and wonder if it was all worth it in the end? Is money worth risking your health? It’s well known that often people who have jobs that create stress end up developing health problems including anxiety disorders, digestive problems, sleeping problems, depression, bad skin & it can ruin relationships. These are just some of the things that you can experience and once you have these issues they generally don’t go away unless you're ready to make huge changes in your life. I once heard someone say ‘’people who have a career that they hate or a career that creates a large amount of stress end up spending all the money they saved trying to get better once they have developed all these health issues that were created from being in that job’’. I totally agree with this. This is not a subject that should be easily dismissed. Now, I’m not saying that finding and creating a career you love is easy work because sometimes it can be hard and it can take time but it’s worth it! You just need to believe in yourself and have faith that the universe has your back on this journey. My next post will be about Manifesting and will explain how to manifest your dreams and desires. The power of manifestation is incredible. Everything on the planet is made of energy, including our thoughts. You need to tell yourself that you’re worthy of your dreams and desires but you need to truly believe this and feel this. Each thought we have creates an energy flow within and around our physical being, each thought you have informs your energy and your energy manifests into experiences. So my next post will explain how to manifest that dream job/career you believe you deserve, amongst many other things! Love + Light Maegan xx My names Maegan Beale, I’m an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and a Yoga Teacher. I’m a nutrition nerd and a yoga and meditation addict. My mission is to help people find health, wellness, self love and happiness and to also show people how to heal their body and mind naturally. I believe that in order to a happy life its all about finding your balance and being your true authentic self. The key to health is true happiness and true happiness comes from a commitment to you own self love and self worth. I wake up each morning with the intention to live from my heart. I have started this blog because I want to share my story with any one who wants to read, I then want to use this blog to write about my journey to wellness, what currently interests me, what I’m learning, recipes and more. This year has been a roller coaster for me so I’ll start from the beginning. It all started in 2014. It seemed that at least once a week, usually on the weekend after a long week of work I would feel sick and end up in bed. Initially I thought my immune system was down as this happened regularly so I decided to go to the doctor and explain my situation. The doctor didn’t think it was my immune system but suggested I go on strong antibiotics that not only killed the bad bacteria in my body, but also the good. I felt I had no choice so I went on the antibiotics and felt extremely nauseous the whole time I was taking them. I did feel better for a couple of weeks but then not long after I was getting sick again and feeling nauseous all the time. Now, I’ve never been a big girl but I’m quite short and a few years back I got to a size 10-12, which for me just didn’t feel right. For some reason back then I found it really difficult to lose the extra weight I had put on. Fast forward to recent times and the beginning of “my sickness” I managed to lose 6kg in 5 weeks. The weight fell off me and this was abnormal and unexpected. This trend of weight loss continued for a while, but I didn’t realise how bad this was about to get. I was about to become the sickest I’ve ever been in my life. After new years I was so ill that I decided to take two weeks off work to rest my body and recover. Two weeks turned into 5 months! I ended up feeling the worst I had ever felt, I felt sick and extremely nauseous everyday, my stomach was so bad words can’t describe the feeling. My whole body felt like crap... I would go to the doctors everyday bawling my eyes out begging for some magic pill that would make me feel better, so the doctor would give me drug after drug but nothing worked. It was so frustrating knowing there are ways to cure cancer nowadays but the doctor could not help me! I was sick day after day and was bed ridden for a couple of months. I could hardly drive 10 minutes away from home without my body screaming at me to go back to bed. I honestly thought I was dying and thought my body was going to give up on me any day. THEN I WAS DIAGNOSED. My doctor referred me to be tested for gluten intolerance which involved a breath test, amongst other things and it was discovered that I suffered from fructose malabsorption. I had never had any allergies to food before, with the exception of nuts so I didn’t understand how this could occur so suddenly. I’ve since been told that your digestive system can change over time. Everyone who is diagnosed with fructose malabsorption will have a different story and may not necessarily suffer as badly as I did. I had to heal myself naturally with good healthy fructose free/gluten free foods. My diagnosis was only the start of my journey but it did offer a path to move forward. Even after the diagnosis I was still ill and had many up and down days. When I thought that the worst was behind me I would become sick again and the whole process would repeat. In addition to this I developed an anxiety disorder which only made things worse. The doctor had previously warned me that it would likely be a long road to recovery, due to the fact that I had essentially been poisoning my body for the last year and as such had destroyed many natural digestive enzymes (digestive enzymes are what help your body absorb nutrition and digest food and create energy). It turned out the doctor was right… My social life was crap and I would never know when I would become ill. I would have good days and bad days, but found myself regularly cancelling on my friends at the last minute. When I did manage to see my friends it was always really hard because they wanted to know how I was doing and how I was recovering. I know they were trying to be supportive but I was always on the verge of tears when they would ask how I was. The truth is that seeing them was like my little escape time from being ‘the sick person’ so I didn’t want to talk about it. It was also really hard listening to all the cool things they were doing and the things they were accomplishing when I wasn’t doing anything, I loved that they were doing well but my life was at a stand still. My boyfriend that I’ve been with for over 7 years was my lifesaver, as well as my mum and the rest of my family. If I hadn’t had them during that period of my life I have no idea what I would have done. I tell them I appreciate them all the time. ANYWAY, I had also been working a job full-time for over 4 years that I absolutely hated. It was killing my spirit and soul but I persevered. I thought you had to be a very lucky person to love your job, and being an adult I decided to suck it up and keep going. I was so unhappy... I feel this contributed in a significant way to my state of mind and found it so hard to recover because my body was drained. IT DOES GET BETTER. I started seeing a dietician and as it turns out she suffered from the same condition. We didn’t just talk about food as she wanted to get to know me and get to know how I felt about different things in my life. She would ask ‘why don’t you get a new job? How are you meant to live a life and get up everyday if you hate your job’? I would say ‘’ well I feel like a lot of people hate their job and that’s just the way it is’’ and she said ‘’ I feel very sorry for those people and it doesn’t have to be that way at all’’. It actually took a while for it to sink in but then suddenly one day it just CLICKED and I realised I would never recover without having positive influences in my life. It was crazy how whenever I did something that made me unhappy my health would suffer. Nowadays, I feel so in tune with my body. I know now what my body wants and what my body doesn’t want. I couldn’t believe how I had been living for the past 4 years. As much as your family want you to be happy they also want you to have a stable income so as much as they didn’t realise it at the time they defiantly contributed to me staying in a job that I hated. Its not to say I didn’t have goals, it was my dream to open up a clothing boutique and I even completed a Diploma in Fashion Business and had nearly half of the savings I needed to open up my store but I had planned to stay in that job for at least a few more years…a few more torturous years… but things have changed. I no longer plan to open up a store at this stage as I’m on a completely different path. It was unexpected but I couldn’t be any happier with my new plans for the future. More on that shortly... So after I had my diet under control and had gained some energy I decided I wanted to find my self again and work hard on my relationship with myself, I started doing new things that I had never done before. I started doing yoga …I had no idea how much yoga would help me, from the moment I first tried it I started practising everyday wether it was at home or in a studio, It helped relax me and almost rid me of my anxiety issues and it was also really nice to have a new hobby that I had such a connection to. I also started to meditate and read heaps of self-help books and would research other people’s stories, similar ones and not similar ones. I did this because it made me feel not alone on my journey. I then decided I needed a positive attitude and to stop feeling sorry for myself. I looked at it as though everyone has a difficult story at some time in his or her life and this just must happen to be mine and I have to be strong and positive to get through it as quickly as possible. After I had worked really hard to have a positive mind set and realised the importance and meaning of self love, it was amazing how much things changed for me, the power of your mind is incredible and is the most powerful tool ones self has. I started being happy again and laughing and being silly with my partner again. I worked so hard to get better and not only did I find my self again I found a better self. I discovered that one couldn’t just have a healthy diet to be healthy and needed to be overall happy with other areas in life such as relationships, career, physical activity and spirituality, our health really goes far beyond nutrition. I decided I wanted to find a career where I could help people and share my story and show people that you can heal yourself naturally. I want to teach people to trust themselves and their intuition and passion and to follow their heart and to start living their dream. I had discovered what I was truly passionate about and it was now very clear what I have come here to do. I am now a Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and Yoga Teacher. Do I think this all happened for a reason? I would only have found that strong connection with yoga and mediation if I had got sick and I also would have never thought about becoming a Health Coach or realise the importance of eating a healthy balanced diet, I essentially would still be that person that was working a job they hated and being miserable, eating bad, pushing my self to go to the gym to lose weight on my tired body that had just worked and travelled for 10 hours, so did all of this happen for a reason? To get me on a path I never thought I would be on, a path that I love and am totally excited for…I like to think so. I do know that I am definitely happy with the new person I have become. Am I still on my recovery journey? Yes, I still have bad days but I am nothing compared to what I used to be. I have improved dramatically and even when I have bad days I still remain positive. I have surrendered and trust the Universe has my back on this journey. I am so full of gratitude and love for everyday I am awake, for the new path that I am on, for the fresh air that I breathe and the nature that surrounds me, I am grateful for the people that have been on this journey with me, I say that my partner suffered the same journey as me because he was with me everyday taking care of me and feel we have both accomplished something together as a team. I want people to understand the importance of gratitude, self-love and a positive mindset, in any situation just say ‘I surrender and know the Universe has my back.’ ‘’Surrender allows us to step into our lives ready to receive completely able to manifest and willing to embrace everything, the good, the bad and the ugly with an open heart. It’s from this place that real magic happens’’ Claire Obeid. I look forward to posting more about my journey and I promise my next post won’t be such a long one. Love + Light Maegan xx |
Maegan BealeHolistic Health Coach / Yoga Teacher / Health and Wellbeing Blogger Archives
March 2016
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